“Here’s to a culture of persistent change in order to always do better”.

backspace is a creative agency based in karachi, pakistan.

We service selected clientele that is purpose-led and focusses on delivering impact.

FMCGs. Start Ups in fintech, edtech, health tech. UNSDG - aligned organisations working with climate action, waste management, water, sustainability. Consultants, regulators, legal / governance bodies. Counselling and Wellness organisations. Architecture, Culture & Art projects. Donor advisory funds, NGOs and NPOs.

~ In the words of Seth Godin ~ Doing work that matters, for people who care!


  • Our best loved workshop MAP IT OUT TM where we thought-partner with you and co-create effective strategies. Based on our proprietary framework and endorsed by clients across continents.

  • Brainstorm with us, guided by smart prompts and differently framed questions. Your core team + ours - to remove bias and subjectivity.

  • Revisiting marketing plans, content plans, calendars and event plans with you to optimise them - together.


  • Corporate brands, legacy brands, organisational brands - building a visual language for branding that helps you stay distinct and consistent for your audience.

  • Empowering your in-house design team with comprehensive branding templates. Taking your logo forward into a brand. Standardising look and feel across all your platforms via stylesheets and guidelines

  • In today’s paper conscious world, it helps to think your printables through especially brochures, flyers, reports. We make them beautiful and we make them count.

  • Easy clean websites to lay out information and put your best foot forward. With a focus on UI - UX and a team of young collaborators to make the interaction design work for you.


  • Why it happened, what it was, why it was done and who did it. A business story when showcased well can inspire, document and inform all at once.

  • Reels for the phone. Tutorials for a website. Promotional clips to grab attention. Typographic 2D animations. Scribbly shorts. Also available in bulk - at great prices

  • We love conversations that are important and need attentive listening. We love hosting them, developing them, packaging them and promoting them for you.

  • Videography, photography - products, places and people.

  • Our pride and joy are communities which grow organically. For time- sensitive targets, we partner with performance marketeers to get you more measured results.

  • For when you need to run a digital campaign for a specific audience with a single minded message.

pay attention. give attention. drive attention. curate attention. get attention.

pay attention. give attention. drive attention. curate attention. get attention.

Looking to launch a business? Set up a solid brand?

Develop a truly creative campaign?

Want to thought-partner with someone on strategy before you plan and implement?


